18. How to heal the sick by Charles and Frances Hunter:

This is one of the best things that happened to me this year. Frances Hunter, a woman who gave her life to Christ at the age of 40 or so, and her husband Charles shared some very practical way of healing the sick. From this book I understood that every Christian can heal the sick, it’s not a “special” gift to some select highly anointed men of God as you’ve always thought. But the reason many believers are not walking in the healing anointing is that they probably tried once and failed, so they see no need to try again.


“Many times people get sidetracked because they lay hands on the sick one time, and when that one person doesn’t get healed, they say, “Well, God didn’t call me into a healing ministry.”


 The first person I ever prayed for died! But that didn’t keep me down. I thought, “well, surely I will get a better track record!” You cannot do any worse than that, can you? That should not discourage you.


You should just go on. I will have to admit, however, that it was a terrible shock to me when the first one died!”

-Frances Hunter, How to heal the sick, pg54.


19. The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind by Bill Johnson:

This book shifted me forever. Like, I couldn’t believe that the things I read in this book were my realities, for God’s sake. Why has nobody taught me these things? I was like, “You mean miracles, signs and wonders are supposed to be my everyday experience because I am now in Christ, how come nobody told me about this, my reality, eh, how?”


Another powerful thing that entered my spirit forever is the TRUTH that I know the will of God because of my place in Christ and the truth of scripture. The will of God is not unknowable or unknown. The will of God is actually very simple, plain and clear:


Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. You will be done on earth as it is in heaven(matt 6:9-10).

- Jesus Christ.


“The will of God is simply this: “On earth, as it is in heaven.” isn’t that basic? Isn’t it refreshing? When we pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,” we’re praying for the King’s dominion and will to be realized right here, right now.” 

-Bill Johnson


For want of space, I may not quote many very important excerpts from this book. But one thing I advise you to do is to read this book.



20. Like a Mighty Wind:

This book will send shivers down your spine. The author, Mel Tari, a Philippine, shares mind-boggling stories of revival that happened in Indonesia around 1965. These stories are the Kind you can only read in the book series, God’s Generals. Miracles, signs, and wonders every day.


Men walking on water, raising the dead, controlling the atmosphere and other very, very (super) natural things. Do you know why I put “super” in a bracket? Because actually for us as believers, these things are not supposed to be “supernatural” but natural. This book is a must-read.


21. Atomic Habits by James Clear:

Productivity wise, this is the best book I’ve read all my life. ALL MY LIFE! Excuse me, but this book is a banger! Please, my dear friend, read this book.


Few nuggets from the book:

- Success is the product of daily habits - not once-in-a-lifetime transformations.

- A very small shift in direction can lead to a very meaningful change in destination.

- Good habits make time your ally. Bad habits make time your enemy.

- People reflect your behaviour back to you. The more you help others, the more others want to help you.


22. The Believer’s Authority by Kenneth E. Hagin:

If you don’t know your place in Christ, the enemy will consistently use you to play kpamkpam golo. In this book, Papa Hagin opened my eyes to so much knowledge of my reality in Christ Jesus. The knowledge I had to act upon.


Here’s an interesting story he shared in the book:

Once in England, Smith Wigglesworth was standing on a

Street corner waiting for a bus. A woman came out of an apartment house, and a little dog ran out behind her. She said, 

"Honey, you're going to have to go back."

The dog didn't pay any attention to her. He just wagged his 

tail and rubbed up against her affectionately.

She said, "Now, dear, you can't go." The little dog wagged 

his tail and rubbed up against her again.

About that time, the bus arrived. The woman stomped her 

Foot and yelled, "Get!" The dog tucked his tail between his legs and took off.

Wigglesworth said he hollered out loud without even 

thinking, "That's the way you've got to do with the devil!"


This book is full of revelational truths and realities of the Christian walk.



23. The Woman Question by Kenneth Hagin:

This book addresses issues regarding women wearing trousers, head covering, submission to the man and a host of other things in a biblically balanced way that most of us from the mainstream churches would find difficult to accept. But because revelation is progressive, I agree with papa Hagin on many fronts.


24. Seeing in the spirit made simple by Praying Medic:

Just like the title of the book says, the author really demystified seeing in the spirit. Issues like visions, dreams, imaginations were all dealt with accordingly. If you are the type that rarely dreams and when you dream you forget, then this book is for you.


25. Relationship Goals by Michael Todd:

Actually, I read this book out of guilt. I felt like the year was ending and not one book on relationship? That’s not balanced at all because whether I like it, one day I’d get married and I need knowledge for a successful marriage.


This is because you could marry God’s will and still end up with a broken home if you didn’t prepare for marriage. Except for a few reservations I have, the book blessed me in no small way.


26. Millionaire Fastlane by MJ Demarco:

Ok, I really want to be rich in this life and I know I’d be. But then I don’t want to become a millionaire at 100yrs, how can enjoy the wealth by then when the evil days had come, and the years had drawn nigh when I would say, I have no pleasure in them; by then the sun, or light, or the moon, or the stars, would be darkened…


even the keepers of the house (my legs) shall tremble in those days, and then strong men (my shoulders) shall bow themselves, and the grinders (my teeth) shall cease because they are few and those that look out of the windows be darkened. 


So considering all these realities, I decided to discover how to become a millionaire at a very young age. And this book and others have shown me how.


Delightful book. The only problem I had with it is that it is over 350 pages.



27. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

An intriguing story of a boy who lost everything and left in search of treasures not knowing he had always had them with(in) him. This book is really captivating.


28. The essential guide to healing by Bill Johnson and Randy Clark:

These men shared their life stories of how they started operating in the healing anointing, and I learnt a lot from them.


29. You were born rich by Bob Proctor:

Truly, we were all born rich until society told us otherwise. This book debunked many lies, religious lies, I’ve known and unfortunately accepted about money. Outstanding book.

30. Leadership secrets of Jesus:

The author lifts some things that Jesus did in scripture to point out how they portrayed Him as an outstanding leader.


31. Secrets to Imitating God by Bill Johnson:

God is the creator, and He expects us to be co-creators with Him. in this book Bill Johnson taught me that God enjoys my creativity and lofty dreams. God is not embarrassed or annoyed at my ambitions, unlike what is popularly taught in some circles.


He stressed the point that those joined with Christ have become one spirit with Him and also the truth that we have the mind of Christ.



32. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

The author interviewed over 20 great men and inventors and the principled that made them great are what he wrote in the book. This book teaches that our minds could either be a hindrance to greatness or a helping factor in achieving it.


33. As a man thinketh by James Allen:

You become your thoughts, and your mindset is reflected in your results. This is one reason the bible asked that we be transformed by the renewal of our minds. If not, we’d live weak Christian lives.


34. The prayer ministry of the church by Watchman Nee:

This book is great stuff, and every Christian should read it. I understood that God will not move on earth unless we beckon Him. His delivery on authoritative prayer is epic too.


35. I am restored by Lecrae Moore:

Just like his first book, Unashamed, Lecrae did a superb job on this one too. I loved his sincerity, even on very controversial topics that could make him lose fans.


36. The Holy Bible by God:

This is coming last because I read it through the year daily. This is the best book I’ve read all my life. I could read John 3:16 one hundred times and still get one hundred different inspirations from the same verse. Is God not awesome, which other authors can beat that?




N.B: I do not mean this list to tense you or make you look unserious about your tomorrow. Rather it should spur you and awaken the giant within you, because if I could read this number of books this year then you can do even more. Just put your mind to it.



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